We attended a Harrisburg Senators baseball game against the Reading Phillies (thus the reason I am wearing Phillies gear!) with my parents and some of my brothers!
One of Shauna's friends recently moved to NYC and so we took a day-trip up to the city to visit her. Neither of us had been to NYC before so we also spent some time seeing parts of the city.
I was privileged to stand beside my brother, Chad, during his wedding to Emily. (We don't have photos yet so in the next update, I will be sure to include one)
I was also honored to stand beside my college roommate Eric, during his wedding to Lauren. I also got a picture with my beautiful date :)
We were also able to attend our friends', Matthew and Adorae's, wedding.
Back in Guatemala
Our first couple days back we spent almost the whole time cleaning and unpacking. Almost everything had either spider webs or a thin layer of volcanic ash covering it. Pictured below are some piles of ash from our patio/courtyard.
We took a trip with Joel and Brittney (Shauna's sister and husband) to visit some families for a day. The pictures below show some points of view :)
On Thursday last week some of our neighbor kids came over. We played some board games, had a little snack, played tag, and ran around in our courtyard.
We transferred the title to our truck and will become in possession of it on Tuesday! Woo-hoo!
We spent 3 1/2 hours sitting in SAT (the name is ironic right?) to obtain a NIT (number identification for taxes) number for me in order to purchase the truck. SAT is the government organization that deals with taxes, vehicles, and customs. We also spent multiple hours visiting RENAP offices to obtain paperwork to try and change Shauna's name on her DPI card (Personal ID card). We weren't in the greatest moods after those visits as you might guess.
From the words of a book I am reading, called Foolish No More by Ted Haggard,
"Go into your world- the whole world. Take your blessings and bless others. "
Andi and Shauna