Sunday, April 12, 2015

Life Update

Well since my last post a lot has happened in life! On April 4th I got engaged to this amazing girl! Krishauna Fulp

I have been asked multiple times in the past week where she is from and when our wedding is planned. Well to put it simply. She is originally from Ohio, has been in Guatemala the last 4 years with her family working under Hope for Home Ministries, but is currently in Ohio finishing up her college degree doing student teaching. We are planning two weddings. The first will take place in late October in Guatemala and the second here in Dillsburg two weeks following the first wedding.

After the second wedding here we will be living in this area to begin raising support to be full time in ministry in Guatemala through Hope for Home Ministries and Push The Rock.

There are so many details to work out, but we are both trusting on God and following His lead. We both have these plans set up, but know that God will be opening and closing doors and that following Him is most important.

As we continue to plan for weddings, finish school, and begin the summer working for Red Rock Landscaping, it will be a busy next 7 months, but there is so much to look forward to and it's so cool to see how God has worked even in the past 7 months!

Above all we want to give God all the glory and as this song called "Great Are You Lord" says:

It's Your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise
We pour out our praise
It's Your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise
To You only

So pumped and excited to see God work in the next 7 months.