Saturday, September 30, 2017


Hello everyone!

We want to inform you of some changes we are making. We are updating the blog which will include changing title, layout, and other details. This blog will now be primarily used to update you on our ministry here in Guatemala instead of using two separate blogs because of the way ministry and vision has changed since we started our updates. As we merge the two blogs together, you will receive emails about old posts that we are transferring from one blog to the other. These are not new posts and we apologize for the extra emails.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

See how God is moving in our lives!

(If you are viewing this update in an e-mail and the format is messed up, click the name of the post or the title at the top of the page to go directly to the actual online blog.) 

SYIS workship:

We were supposed to be in Orlando, Florida this week for a "Sharpening Your Interpersonal Skills" workshop. However, as most of you have probably heard, there was a hurricane that hit Florida exactly when we were supposed to travel. So due to weather the conference was cancelled and we will be attending the one in February. 

Opportunity to use the gifts God has given me:

I had the opportunity to lead games and a devotional for a group of 20 kids last Saturday. This was my first time leading a devotional completely in Spanish. We talked about putting our trust in God even when it is hard or something we don't want to do. It made me step out of my comfort zone, but it was a good challenge! This was in partnership with a ministry called BuildinGuate. They work with these kids and families who live and work in a large garbage dump. The pictures below are from that day.


New house:

The part you've all been waiting to hear about! We signed a contract/lease on a new house this past Saturday! The owner has to do some work before we move in, but October 1st is the date, Lord willing, we will move in! We have already started planning how our after-school program will work here as well as where certain pieces of furniture will be placed! After looking at seven different places and running into many different roadblocks we are so excited to be making this next step! This place has two bedrooms, two bathrooms (we will be working on another 1/2 bathroom), a large room for our after-school program, and a large room that we will be using as a kitchen/living room combo. It also has an amazing back patio, along with some grassy area, and a place to park our truck.

Looking from the back patio through the house
Front of the house
Room inside the front door
Back yard/patio
Push The Rock After-School Program:

I had the opportunity to write an article for PTR's upcoming fall newsletter. Here is a snippet of what I wrote regarding our program.
"With this program, our vision is to provide educational support, lead English lessons, teach new sports and activities, but most importantly, show these kids the love of Jesus Christ. We will strive to show them Jesus through Bible lessons, character building times, and the way we act and live. We not only want to develop relationships with the kids that attend, but with their families as well. We also want to train and equip Guatemalans to serve and take leadership roles in the program."
If you don't receive newsletters from Push The Rock and would be interested, let me know and I can send them your contact information.

Next week I will begin having weekly meetings with PTR to talk about vision, challenges we are having, times of prayer, encouragement and support, accountability, and administrative items.

Please Pray:

- That our landlord would be able to finish the work on the house and we would able to move in at the beginning of October

-Kids would begin to get excited in the neighborhood as we start spreading word of this after-school program

-For continued improvement in Spanish

-That friendships would continue to grow deeper  with people at our church so that we can be challenged, be vulnerable and be held accountable

Thanking Jesus: 

-  That He has provided a house

- That He has opened doors for partnering with other ministries, along with possibilities to lead more sports/activities in the future

Thank You:

For providing some one-time gifts as we start our after-school program and as we move into a new house. We are also so thankful for your prayers and support as we seek to share the love and message of Jesus Christ to the people here in Guatemala. 

-Andi and Krishauna

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Building Relationships

Our neighbor kids have been so much fun to get to know! We have them over every Monday and Thursday afternoons to play games, hang out, and have a snack. There are three kids who have been consistent in coming over and others who occasionally show up. A few weeks ago, they began asking if we had puzzles, legos, or any new games to play (they seemed to be getting a little board with some of the games we had) so we began looking for more things to do with them. We borrowed some puzzles from my brothers, my sister gave us some legos sets that weren’t being used at her house, and we bought some other fun activities to do. Thank you to those who are supporting us and making it possible to get new games and toys! Our neighbor kids love it and so do we!

Here are some of the new things we have been able to buy: 

     - Chalk
     - Puzzle
     - Balls
     - Cones
     - Legos
     - Crayons
     - Small blocks
     - Educational game


When Andi’s parents visited back in January, they brought supplies to make Ninja Stress Balls, but the kids weren’t showing up around that time because school was just starting. We just recently remembered about it so we pulled it out one day for the kids to make and take home with them. They really enjoyed it and we made a big mess with the flour which is always fun!

We are also really excited that we have been getting to know the mom of a couple of the kids who come over. She is the first parent with whom we have had the opportunity to interact much. Just the other night, she sent her son to bring us a special treat they had made. This meant so much to us! She has shown us multiple times how much it means to her that we are investing in the lives of her son and daughter. We hope that this relationship will continue to grow!

A couple quick updates: First, our truck has been great! Thank you again to all who gave so we could purchase it! Second, an update about our house search will be coming soon so keep an eye out! :) 

Thank you for your prayers! 

Krishauna and Andi