Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Life with interns

These past two months have been super busy as we hosted our first two interns, welcomed the Ewert family to Guatemala, continued our after-school program, had our second Dia Especial, and went on a variety of adventures.

Adynn, on the far left, was with us for four weeks, and Shea, was here for six weeks.
They were both a huge help, but also was a transition for us as they lived with us for the duration of that time.


This trimester there were 8-12 kids that came for each age group each day.
We continue to build relationships with each of them and are in prayer for each child and their family that they will see God's love shining through us and understand who Jesus truly is.

The kids said their good-byes on Monday and Tuesday.

The kids really enjoy doing Rocket Math. It's a fun and competitive way to improve their math skills.

We've only had a few rainy days where we were unable to go down to the court this rainy season which has been great. The kids have loved having more adult helpers to interact with and compete against. We (North Americans) all realized that soccer really isn't our sport :)

While Shea and Adynn were here we experienced some new parts of Guatemala that we had never visited before. We went to some old ruins, to Lake Atlitlan where we rode a boat, went zip-lining, and visited a nature reserve, and hiked up to some lookouts. Hope you enjoy some of these photos from our outings.


Some ways you can be praying for us:
  • As we incorporate the Ewert family into some leadership roles in the after-school program
  • As we continue to parent Sammy. He has a very strong will and you can be praying for patience and wisdom for us
  • As we welcome new kids into the after-school program for this 3rd trimester. That they would feel loved by both us and Jesus.
  • That the 'permanent' house we are looking at would be finished soon and that Lord willing we will be able to move there in the next few months.
  • We would have some good opportunities as a married couple in the next few weeks to get out and spend some time together. With hosting interns we were very limited in having those times as a couple while they were here.
  • Some of you knew that Shauna had fallen down a few steps and bruised/possibly broken a few ribs. After a few weeks of pretty intense pain, the pain has know started to subside and hopefully that means healing is happening. We thank you for your prayers regarding that situation

In the next update we will introduce you to the Ewert family and have some photos of our Dia Especial.

We are so thankful for your prayers and support.
Much love,
Andi, Shauna, and Sammy

If you have any questions or want to know more about our ministry and what we are doing in Guatemala send us an email at or

If you feel God is calling you to support us financially you can go to and find Andi Brubaker on the drop down menu. Dios le bendiga.