Monday, July 18, 2016

To Live is Christ

Sometimes there is a segment of scripture that sticks out to me and different videos and music that impacts me. I feel I need to share some of these thoughts. Hopefully it will encourage you or impact you today.

Phillipians 1:20-26
I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed [of the gospel], but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by
far; but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body. Convinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith, so that through my being with you again your joy in Christ Jesus will overflow on account of me.

“To live is Christ” means:

-       We proclaim the gospel of Christ
-       We imitate the example of Christ
-       We pursue the knowledge of Christ
-       We are willing to give up anything that prevents us from having Christ
-       Christ is our focus, our goal, and our chief desire

This is my prayer as we move to Guatemala, that I will not be ashamed of the gospel, but will have courage to proclaim the life-changing name of Jesus Christ. We need your prayers because there will be spiritual battles that will be taking place to put doubts in our heads that we aren’t qualified or worth it.

Our world needs prayer. After you finish reading this post. Take some time to pray for our world. Last Sunday at a church out here in Ohio, regarding the race and violence issues, the pastor said, "Hang on to your opinions loosely and hang on to God and the gospel tightly." We need to be hanging on to our Heavenly Father through all of these trials.

     33 more days until we get on the metal bird with most of our earthly belongings to follow God's call on our lives! We still have some Guatemalan bracelets, fresh coffee, chocolate covered coffee beans and scarves to sell. We do not want to take them back to Guatemala with us! Contact either of us if you are interested at or

Also we are having a get-together on Sunday August 14th in the afternoon/evening to see friends and family one-last time before we head off. So be sure to put that on your calendars. More details will follow regarding this event!

Reminder to say a prayer for the world we live in :) 


Saturday, July 2, 2016

Stay in the Pasture

"Sometimes when God wants to tell us what to do, He sends down a scroll or writes it on the wall. Most of the time however, He just points out the fence line and tells us the stay in the pasture.”
      This quote really challenges me. I am a very detailed person and like to make lists and stay busy. So when I feel God calling me to something, but there aren’t many specific details associated with it   I know I am going to have to lean on Him more than ever. As I think about God leading us to Guatemala this thought crosses my head occasionally. I know God has called me to Guatemala and has given me passion for kids and sports ministry, but as I begin ministry many times I will be ‘walking in the pasture.’ If you would be praying for me that I would continue to rely on God and follow His guiding as I “stay in the pasture” I would really appreciate it!

Push The Rock update: 
      I have been in contact with representatives at Push The Rock this past week. Originally they were going to have a couple people come down to Guatemala in late fall/early winter to check things out, meet, and look at the area. However, that was when we were planning on moving in July. We have both agreed that it will be better and more beneficial for Shauna and I to be more settled, and more adjusted to life in Guatemala, along with the holidays happening so the plan is now for a couple people to be coming down in February.

Support and move update:
      We have an official move date!! We have bought our plane tickets are moving on August 20th. It’s crazy to think that less than two months from now we will be in Guatemala.

      Regarding our financial support, we are at 64% of our monthly goal and we are trusting God that He will provide in whatever ways He sees fit. Thank you again to all of you who have supported us financially with one-time gifts and monthly support. It’s so amazing to see how God provides for a need when He calls you.

Life update:
      Well this week coming up is our last week of work. We are then headed out to Ohio, a camping trip with Shauna’s side of the family and a beach vacation with my side of the family. The rest of the days here in the U.S. will most likely be full of seeing other friends and family along with packing and moving stuff.  Below is another quote I really enjoyed and a picture of us at a good friends' wedding a few weekends ago J
"The secret to being used by God: Love Jesus with all your heart, Trust Him completely, and Learn to perservere."

   Be praying for peace and a calmness for me as we get closer to our move. Also be praying that we can enjoy this last month and a half here with friends and family and that God would provide the funds we need to get to full support. Thanks to all of you for being an encouragement and supporting us in prayer!
