Friday, December 20, 2019

Merry Christmas

Only 5 more days until Christmas and 11 until we begin a new year. We hope you have a very blessed holidays as you celebrate our Savior coming into the world.  A shorter update this month with lots of photos from our busy past few weeks :)

We really enjoyed our time in Pennsylvania for three weeks over Thanksgiving into early December. We were so blessed and encouraged by those we were able to see and meet with. 
We also want to say thanks to those who gave donations for coffee, scarves, and t-shirts, for the camera and phone we received to take pictures with, and for the use of a vehicle.

 We were also thrilled to have some snow!


Brubaker extended family at Thanksgiving. 

 We were able to take an overnight trip as a late anniversary celebration to Pittsburgh to see a Steelers game!

 After getting back to Guatemala on Dec. 10th we left for the annual Fulp family beach trip early the next morning.

 This past Tuesday we had our last event of the year with the kids from the program.
We played some Christmas-themed games at the court, they decorated cookies, and received some small gifts, given by a family in the states.

Some big news that some of you may not know about is that Sammy is going to be a big brother :) Our next baby is due mid June.

Much love from Guatemala
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Andi, Krishauna, and Samuel

If you have any questions or want to know more about our ministry and what we are doing in Guatemala send us an email at or 

If you feel God is calling you to support us financially you can go to and find Andi Brubaker on the drop down menu. Dios le bendiga.