Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Moving into our new house!

Whew. It’s been a crazy past couple weeks! We moved into our new house last Monday! We’ve had all sorts of little projects associated with moving into a new house. Some examples include: having to get a new pila due to cracks and leaks, hooking up water lines and drains for the pila and our washing machine, concrete work, fixing leaks, cleaning, hanging photos and decorations on the wall, making shelves, unpacking, and reorganizing.

Packing up:
Day of the move:
 Our house beginning to take shape:

We are looking forward to starting our (summer version) after-school program in our new space by this Monday the 23rd. The school year here in Guatemala ends this week so the kids have their summer/Christmas break until mid-January. By the time school starts back up again for 2018 we hope to have a good base of kids along with more structure to the program. Please be praying for and with us as we officially begin the program.

If anyone is still interested in donating/purchasing some items for our after-school program we have an Amazon wish-list to give you some ideas. You can follow this link to the list (click here). We have a piece of luggage coming down at the end of October. If you are interested in helping us out please contact us as soon as possible and we will tell you where to ship the item(s) you are purchasing/donating to not miss the cut-off date. Thank you to those who have already donated and purchased items!

We are looking forward to a visit from two guys from Push The Rock who will be coming on November 5th. They will be visiting to see the area, pray, talk about vision, see the beginnings of the after-school program, give encouragement, and spend time learning and seeing Hope for Home Ministries.

We also both are becoming more involved in our church, Shoreline City, Antigua. I (Andi) have started playing on worship team twice a month and Shauna has become involved with children’s ministry. We also have started up connect groups again and we meet every other Monday night.

Every night while we eat dinner, we have started saying ten thing we were thankful for that day. We realized that we were complaining and not being grateful for things that were happening in our day to day lives. So while we eat we take turns saying things that we are thankful for that God has done for us, other people have done for us, or general items of thanksgiving. We just started this last week, but it has allowed us to reflect on how much we are blessed each day. Sometimes they are small things while other times they are things that have impacted us greatly. It also has helped turn our attitudes toward the positives things of the day instead of the negative ones. 

We are so thankful for your continued prayers and support. 

To make Jesus' name famous,

Andi and Krishauna

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