Saturday, January 20, 2018

After-School Program

We wanted to give you an update on what the daily schedule of an after-school program looks like now that kids have started back to school. Currently we meet Monday and Thursday afternoons from 2:00-5:00. The first full week of February we will be launching into four days a week with the two different age groups. If you receive this update via e-mail and the formatting is messed up, feel free to click the blog title which will take you directly to our webpage.

When the kids arrive around 2:00 (there are points awarded for being on time – which we will talk about later in the post) they come in to our house and start working on homework with Shauna. If they don’t have homework they come back out to the street where Andi and some other volunteers usually kick around a soccer ball for 10 or so minutes until most of the kids arrive. At that point Andi leads the group of kids who do not have homework down to the court to play some group games, sports, and activities. When we divide age groups we will all be working on homework and other educational activities together before heading down to the court. We usually spend an hour or so at the court then make our way back up to the house where all the kids wash their hands and get ready for snack. We change up snack each day between packs of cookies, different fruits, and popcorn. Each day two of the kids help with handing out the snacks and drinks and we have another kid volunteer to pray. After snack we have the Bible story on the back patio. Each day we work through a story in the Beginner’s Bible and usually five to six kids help to read. We have discussion and questions throughout and at the end of the story. After the story is finished we head back inside and everyone gets their notebook and we teach some English and the Bible verse. They write down what we learned for that day in their notebook and practice the verse and their English at home, in order that they can say them to us the next time they come for the program. After we finish the English time we rotate between the activities that we do. We have board games, free-play Legos, Lego sets, puzzles, and other group games that we play in our back yard. After about 40 minutes of the activity it is time to clean up and we give any last announcements for the day before they leave. Hopefully that helps give you as idea of how our program works as you pray for our program and kids who attend 😊

Here in Guatemala, the culture is not time-sensitive for the most part. It is common for people to be ½ hour to an hour late to some events and parties. As kids came to the program some were on time, but others came 15-20 minutes late. We wanted to teach them that being on time is important, so we began brainstorming ways to reward them for being on time. We came up with our point reward system. Each day kids can receive points for attendance before 2:15 (bonus point for coming before 2:05), bringing their notebook, reciting their verse, using English, and paying attention. We also give out a maximum of 5 bonus points for kids who were extra helpful, answering questions, respecting others, and having great attitudes. The points that they earn can be redeemed in two different ways. The first way they can use their points is to ‘buy’ school supplies from our ‘store.’ We are still in the process of building our inventory for our ‘store.’ If you are interested in donating any type of school supply that would be beneficial for kids, it would be greatly appreciated. The other way they can redeem their points are by using them at our special party days. (We don’t have a great name for these days yet :P) We will have three days throughout the school year where we will have special snacks and activities. Depending on how many total points they receive for each part of the school year will determine what ‘level’ or amount of snack they receive.
Click photo to enlarge

Short Thoughts and Updates

  •        For those who haven’t heard Push The Rock Guatemala shirts have come in (We have a variety of colors and sizes)! Andi’s parents have them in Dillsburg, PA and will be bringing some down to Guatemala next week! If you are interested in purchasing one to support our ministry let us know!
  •         Andi’s parents are coming for a visit on Wednesday for about a week!!! Woo-hoo!
  •         We also have been able to set up our office space here in our house with the use of some Christmas gifts, which we are super excited about!
  •         We have started purchasing some baby items in preparation for the new addition to our family in July. At our last doctor’s appointment, we were able to clearly see the baby’s fingers, arms, and head!

Ways you can be praying:
  •         For the baby as he/she continues to grow.
  •         Wisdom to know how to approach kids who aren’t attending the program on a consistent basis, while others are on a waiting list wanting to attend every day.
  •         Continued growth in Spanish – we both have improved so much, but want to be able to communicate even better.
  •        For kids to feel loved and welcome as they enter our house for the program and that the love of Jesus would flow through us and all the helpers and volunteers.
  •         For God to call and raise up leaders, coaches, educators, and people who are interested in sports ministry to move to Guatemala long or short-term to partner with us to expand and grow our ministry.
“Forever God is faithful, forever God is strong, forever God is with us, forever.”


Thanks for all your prayers and support.


Andi and Krishauna

If you have any questions or want to know more about our ministry and what we are doing in Guatemala send us an email at or

If you feel God is calling you to support us financially you can go to and designate your gift to Andi and Krishauna or and find Andi Brubaker on the drop down menu.

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