Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Take time to see Joy

I hope you like pictures because there are a lot of them in this post! As I was looking back through some of our pictures of the last month - it's so amazing to see the joy and excitement on each one of the kids' faces. Just taking time to look at each child in these photos has reminded me how blessed we are. God has allowed each one of these kids to come and be a part of our after-school program. We pray each afternoon, before the kids come to the program, that God would use us to be His hands and feet and to show His love to the kids that walk through our door.  As we have started this school year we have added 13 new kids who were not attending before. It has been a joy and honor to welcome them to our group. It has taken a little while, but we feel like we have gotten back into a great routine with the program, with family life, and extra activities. Thank you so much for your prayers.

When the kids arrive - the first 1/2 hour is spent in 'educational time.' This entails doing homework they bring from school , practicing their English and memory verse, and doing Rocket Math. Each day we get to Rocket Math they are so excited and full of joy as they see if they can achieve their goals to move to the next level. It's a competitive and fun way to learn math. Check out the video below as the minute test is just ending.

Each day we go down to the court we start the time with running 'suicides' or 'parillas' as they call them here (The last photo in this section with the PTR logo shows that). I occasionally introduce new games and sports, but we also do favorites like Mission Impossible, Tocino (Steal the Bacon), and of course soccer. Look for the joy and smiles on their faces (you can click the photos to enlarge them).


After our time at the court we come back and enjoy a snack together. They have so much joy asking whose turn it is to help hand out the snack and drinks out along with choosing who gets to pray.

Once snack is finished we head into our Bible time. We do a daily devotional (Jesus Calling - in Spanish) with the older group and sometimes add in different themed lessons and skits. We have covered forgiveness and honor so far. With the younger group we are going through The Beginner's Bible. As they raise their hands to answer questions sometimes they can't keep quiet and wait until I call on them. They express their excitement and joy exudes from their body language when they realize they have the right answer and feel valued, as they respond to a question.


We then move into our time of English. Some of the kids weren't super joyful when they received back their English tests and saw their results :P. However, their faces light up and show joy when they can understand the instructions for the day (the instructions are in English). They also enjoy trying to pronounce some of the English words on their own. Some examples include: no-say (nose) naw-may (name) le-too-say (lettuce) tah-blay (table).


After English we have our  time of legos or table games. We rotate back and forth depending on the day. The kids have so much excitement as they get to choose what games to play or create things using their imaginations with legos. Laughter, joy, and love are so evident during this time. Check out the last picture!

It also has been such a joy to have some new volunteers helping us out over the past month. Alex and Nathan have been amazing with the kids, have shown Jesus through their interactions, and have jumped in wholeheartedly to our vision and goals within the after-school program. They have been such a blessing to us and to the kids. 

Some updates regarding the last update:
*Our truck is back and working great!
*Sammy has started sleeping during the program and is back on a great schedule
*We are still searching for a building for ministry space, but now we are also looking for a place to live due to our landlord not wanting us to continue renting here long-term. Please pray as we make decisions and continue to meet with people and see houses that God would open the right doors and lead us where He wants us. There are some possibilities, but pros, cons, and price differences for each place. We would really appreciate your prayer through this time.

Taking the time to see joy in the people around you and in your daily routine is so encouraging and uplifting to see all the positives and what God is doing. I encourage you to do the same.
Here is a really amazing song that I found recently - check it out. 
And oh, what joy it is to know You, Jesus
Oh, what joy it is to love You, Jesus

When You come around
There is a sound that comes from Your people
When You come around
There is a sound that comes from Your people

It's the sound of joy, joy, joy, joy, joy
'Cause we love You
Joy, joy, joy, joy, joy
We adore You
Joy, joy, joy, joy, joy
'Cause we love You
Joy, joy, joy, joy, joy
Song starts at 10:46

Take some time to see all the joy around you - to God be the glory! 

Andi, Shauna, and Sammy

If you have any questions or want to know more about our ministry and what we are doing in Guatemala send us an email at abrubaker@pushtherock.org or 

If you feel God is calling you to support us financially you can go to 
pushtherock.org/donate and find Andi Brubaker on the drop down menu. Dios le bendiga.

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